Equipping your child
for outdoor learningToo often, we find ourselves ending children’s valuable play because of rain or snow, but as the saying goes, there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. To ensure your little person gets the most out of their time at Little Beginnings and ensure they are kept warm and dry, please make sure they are prepared every day.
Because most of our families shop at similar stores, children aren’t always the most reliable at putting everything away every time, and we have many children to get ready every day – LABEL everything you bring to the center!
- Outdoor shoes to stay here (summer croc-like closed shoes)
- Rubber boots (spring and fall)
- Snow boots (winter)
- Layers – more in the winter
- Snow pants
- Waterproof jacket (spring and fall)
- Waterproof pants are an awesome option (see below)
- Hats and mittens (at least two sets for when they get wet)
- Spare socks!
- Hat (summer)
- Sunscreen (recommended you opt into our center-wide option)
Every Day

Little Beginnings believes in hands-on learning outdoors every day. The list of items to bring above is there to ensure that every child is prepared to play and learn outside. We do realize that we are in Minnesota, though. As long as the children are dressed appropriately, and it's above 0°F, we will go outside. Lightening and severe weather will also keep us indoors. Other than that, be ready to get outside and get dirty!

If you are looking for some great waterproof options, there are some awesome suits we would recommend. We aren’t affiliated with them at all, but realize it can be hard to find quality products.

Waterproof Gear