Little Beginnings Learning Center | Hastings, MN

Food Stylist

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Food Stylist

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  • +1 651-480-1416
  • 12140 120th Street South, Hastings, Minnesota, 55033

CNC Visit

Carpenter Nature Center came to visit and it was a lot of fun!

CNC Visit

We got to see and learn about a few animals. The hissing cockroach was really big and fun to touch for the brave friends. We learned that the tree frog usually hides under leaves in the winter and freezes. In the spring, they thaw and start to sing again. The painted turtle had claws on his toes and webbed feet to help with swimming. The red tailed hawk was able to turn his head really far. We all tried to look backwards but couldn’t get as far. Finally, Abby the bunny hopped around the circle. We had fun wiggling our noses, thinking like a carrot, and softly petting her fur.

It was a fun and informative morning!