Little Beginnings Learning Center | Hastings, MN

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Food Stylist

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Published: January 2, 2020


The Bumblebee Room is for older infants from about 10 months through 18 months.  This classroom is full of transitions and new experiences.  We will work together as your child explores things like spoons, open cups at the table, cots for nap time, working together with friends, and using words.  It will be an adventure together.

During your child’s time in the Bumblebee Room, they will start to practice group times, create lots of art, listen to stories, and learn through active play.  While we still work with your child’s needs, we will introduce more of a routine and schedule for the group.  Even at this young age, children will learn things like early literacy, math, physical education, sign language, Spanish, and manners.

Children under 1 year will remain in a crib for nap times.  As they grow, we will wean them off the morning nap and transition to one longer afternoon nap.  On their first birthday, we will celebrate at daycare with a move to a cot to sleep.

Infant Goals & Objectives:

  • Provide the type of environment that will allow the infant to have their basic needs fulfilled
  • Provide experiences that foster development in the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional aspects of the child’s life
  • Provide loving, caring surroundings to include singing, talking, laughing, holding, and playing
  • Seek to model and provide a loving Christian atmosphere
  • Provide praise and positive reinforcement for their accomplishments and efforts

Published: January 2, 2020

The Bumblebee Staff Include

- Sammie Milleson - Stephanie Harper - Taylor Pleschourt